
Artist Insights: 3 Big Mistakes You Can Avoid

Image of Bridget Bradley, Abstract expressionist Artist, in the early days, wearing her painting clothes holding a small original abstract painting.

Updated 17 March 2025

One thing I've learned is that we as artist should always embrace our earlier work regardless of how we view now. As artists we experiment and develop on our artistic journey. 

Art has always been in my life, starting out as a small child I loved to draw, colour and paint. My mother is an Artist too and I would watch her drawing, selecting colours and placing them carefully on the canvas. I loved art and continued to study art at school and later in college.

Bridget Bradley, Abstract Expressionist Artist holds 'Iridescence'' original painting on canvas. Get Bridget's commission waitlist..

Image: Bridget Bradley, Abstract Expressionism Artist, stands with her original painting, Iridescence.

The pandemic seems like a century ago when I started to paint and found it gave me a sense of peace, freedom and most importantly, healing during this uncertain and restrictive time. It shows that good things often arise from the most difficult challenges in our lives.


I wanted to share some of my artist insights in the hope that it helps other creatives or anyone trying to start a business.

When I first started painting, I was often met with negative feedback which unfortunately stuck with me like glue for some time. I remember meeting a woman, who asked me what sort of Artist I was and her response, oh, you're an Abstract Artist, so really you paint nothing.

Other responses were, wtf is that? and I don't like your art or I don't get your art.

I still get comments like this today. but the difference is that between then and now, I've grown and reached a point where it just doesn't affect me any more. This is because I finally believe in myself, my art, my purpose as an Artist. As my Mum would say,

Let it be as water to a duck's back

 Bridget Bradley stands by a canvas print of one of her original abstract expressionist artworks 'LABYRINTH

 Image: Bridget Bradley, Abstract Expressionism Artist stands beside one of her framed canvas prints after her original abstract painting, LABYRINTH. Currently, the original artwork is unavailable while being exhibited in Melbourne.

Along my Artist journey, I continue to grow as a person, learn about myself, art and develop my artistic skills. 

Artist Insights

3 Big Mistakes I Learned From That You Can Avoid

#1. I doubted myself and my art

Believe in your art, the right people will find you and love your creations. It just takes time.

#2. I listened to the haters and their opinions

This relates back to point the first lesson. If you believe in yourself, your art, purpose and have a passion for it, then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

#3. I took on the, this isn’t a real job mindset

Think like an entrepreneur. You are creating your own business so you must have a positive mindset.

There you have it. I hope this encourages others to adopt a new attitude and avoid making mistakes that hold you back.

If you're an art lover or art collector I invite you join my VIP mailing list for first previews of new originals, fine art prints and products before they are released to the wider community.

Thank you so much for visiting my website and journal, I truly appreciate it.



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