art projects

Abstract Canvas Buzzing With Hope

Image of 'Beehive' abstract expressionism painting by Bridget Bradley seen hanging in modern space

Beehive Abstraction

Earlier this year, I spontaneously started painting as I tend to do. I was excited about starting this large canvas. Throughout the process, my hand reached for various yellows, white and black. It's like the colours choose my brushes rather than me. And because I love neons, I gravitated toward neon yellow for extra vibrancy.

The painting process was fully of energy, channeled mainly through action painting and other mark making methods. The feeling was full of light, warmth and urgency. The expressions unfolded before me and as I stood back, I was happy with the way the colours and patterns were coming together.

The Story

I had no idea what I was painting at the time. I paint what I feel not what I see. It is purely an intuitive journey for me as I tap into my inner world, my mind's eye. 

On completion, it was revealed to me. I could just imagine bees everywhere, frantically buzzing around the hive. I decided to name it, Beehive.

Image of 'Beehive' original abstract painting seen hanging above wooden bench, boots and rug. Artwork painted by Bridget Bradley, Abstract expressionist Artist, Australia

I wasn't surprised by what I had created, given my love of nature. Bees and honey were part of conversations growing up and continue today, in family conversations. 

Beehive is an abstraction of a beehive and bees working around it.

"The strong contrast between the colours creates a dynamic visual impact for the viewer while the intricate textures created with action painting, gestures and dripping, evoke the industrious energy of the hive."

Buzzing with Hope for the Bees

The painting definitely was a reminder for me and I hope that my painting will remind others of the delicateness of nature; that saving the bees is vital to our ecosystem and planet. Not to mention, it would be hard to imagine a world without honey and it's healing power.

Image of 'BEEHIVE' a large, original abstract expressionism painting on canvas, in yellows, neon yellow, white and black colours with texture. Seen here without external frame hanging above dining table.Artwork by Bridget Bradley

Growing up in New Zealand, I was very familiar with Manuka honey and had often roamed around the countryside in Central Otago and North Canterbury where manuka trees were growing and beehives were not far away. Manuka honey is like liquid gold.

🐝 Bee-ing Aware

World Bee Day was 20th May this year. New Zealand is celebrating Bee Aware Month this September.

How You Can Help To Save The Bees

We can help save the bees in many ways for example planting bee friendly trees and plants in our gardens, avoiding nasty pesticides that harm bees and donating to the cause. A couple of registered charities I came across that accept donations online are:

The Wheen Bee Foundation in Australia, founded by Gretchen Wheen and dedicated to researching and building public awareness about saving the bees. Australians can donate at the website.

In New Zealand, I discovered, For The Love of Bees, and interestingly the project was started by two artists Sarah Smuts-Kennedy and Taarati Taiaroa and the local community.  

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Image of Bridget Bradley, Abstract expressionist Artist, in the early days, wearing her painting clothes holding a small original abstract painting.